About Me 1


I grew up in Northern California surrounded by the natural beauty in wildflowers, rivers, trees and mountains. My family lived just outside of a historic gold rush era town. My dad often had a lot of spare parts from his plumbing business that I was able to experiment with, creating something out of nothing. My mom did the gardening and the baking and the sewing, instilling in me a love of projects and attention to detail as well as efficient work ethic. Together, my parents collected antiques, which allowed me to gain a wealth of knowledge and appreciationĀ  for exquisite objects that just aren't made that way anymore.


I get my ideas from practically anywhere. I might stumble across an article about abandoned buildings and see the beauty in the decay. I might take a walk down the street and follow the signs to an estate sale where I'll find a pair of vintage sconces which I will hold onto for that perfect project that hasn't happened yet. Most of all, I love to help people who may be struggling to get an idea or come up with a design solution. Don't be afraid to ask if you just don't know where to begin when it comes to making something work.